The laboratory activity concerns the study of the climate of the Mediterranean region by numerical models and data analysis (including instrumental data). A set of modes, which allow you to study complementary aspects of climate dynamics, are currently implemented at the laboratory:
- COSMO for climate and weather simulations at regional scale,
- WAM for the simulation of ocean waves,
- HYPSE for simulation of coastal floods and sea level
Further, codes and tools for statistical analysis and classification of meteorological regimes (in particular cyclone tracking software) are implemented.
Research is carried out in the framework of European projects (such RISES-AM, Circe, WASSERMed) and international initiatives (such as MedCLIVAR, COWCLIP, IMILAST, Cordex) and in close collaboration with the Foundation Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC) and coordination with the Laboratory of Micrometeorology of the University of Salento.
Research topics refer to 5 major themes:
- Dynamics of the climate at the regional scale in the Mediterranean region: simulation of climate evolution and change in the Mediterranean region using climate models
- Climate Extremes: characterization of extreme events, factors producing them and their behavior in the context of climate change
- Sea level and sea waves: Simulation of the response of the sea surface to atmospheric pressure variations and surface winds
- Synoptic Climatology: Characterization of atmospheric circulation and its links with the environment at regional-scale
- Operational oceanography: use of the models WAM and HYPSE for sea state forecasting with both probabilistic and deterministic procedures